Chelmsford (978) 505-7813

Preventing Text Neck

Though the increases in technology over the last few years have certainly streamlined many of our daily tasks, it has began to wreak havoc on our musculoskeletal system. In fact, some studies have found that such technology may actually be shortening our lifespan. Much of this comes from the poor posture associated with doing tasks such as texting. At the very least, this is leading to conditions such as thoracic outlet syndrome, tendonitis, and degenerative change.

What is “text neck” ? Text neck is a modern ailment that many people will experience from looking down at their phone, tablet, or computer too frequently, for too long.  It has been estimated that the average smart phone user spends about 2 hours per day on their phone. The average human head weighs about 12lbs but as we bend forward to look down the weight increases putting extra strain and pressure on the joints, muscles, and ligaments. As a rule of thumb, for every inch your head bends forward, the weight on the spine doubles. This prolonged strain causes inflammation and irritation of the neck and upper back, and over-time may actually change the curve in the spine potentially leading to  more serious conditions.

What can you do to prevent it? Avoiding prolonged periods of usage is a good start. The problem is, over-time the inflammation causes the muscles to change length, position, and consistency leading to permanent changes in the muscle and spine. Imagine a 60 lb child hanging from your neck all day. Under this added stress the muscles begin to develop micro-tears causing scar tissue to build which will limit normal muscle function. If you do nothing, this problem tends to build and become worse. Spinal manipulation is a safe effective way to release the tight joints and stretch the tight muscles.

  • Visit a Chiropractic Physician to ensure proper biomechanics of your neck and back
  • Instead of looking down at your device, try to hold it in front of you to limit forward translation of your head
  • Strengthen your rhomboids, and stretch your neck muscles

If you are experiencing neck and back pain we can help. Call or schedule online today: (781) 460-0939

Keep Moving.
